Thursday, April 30, 2009

Clam gathering - shiohigari (潮干狩り)

Back logging some posts. I was really busy last week so this is what I have been up to so far.

The day after Hanami I had to wake up at 7am to go Clam Gathering with S family. My host family could not some because my ototo didn't want to go. So I went with S family and another family. For shiohigari we went to a beach in Mie ken. Apparently, Mie ken is famous for ninjas which explains the picture below. Its a rest stop by the way.

The day we went was very windy but was still a nice day. First thing we did once we were at the beach was have a barbecue and eat. There were a lot of grilled vegetables, fish, and meat. It was delicious...I'm still thinking about the food.

I have never dug for clams in my life. So it was an interesting experience to be taught how to do this by an 8 and 10 year old in Japanese and later by a 6 year old. It was very cute. What I learned was that there are such thing as edible and non-edible clams and you can tell only by shell color. The only time to get them is during certain times of the year during the low tide and the most popular time of the year to go in Japan is during Golden Week. Surprisingly, there were a lot of people out.

I got a lot of clams but the kids were pros and caught so many. It was really hard work. While I was digging for clams I saw some scary things. There were a lot of little crabs and I was afraid that they would bite my feet. I saw little slug things eating a dead starfish in the water. Besides that, I really enjoyed the trip. Since I did Hanami and Shiohigari on the same weekend, I was too worn out to do homework and was screwed for the following week. Oh well...

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