Friday, February 20, 2009

To sing - utau (歌う)

I've gone to karaoke twice in Japan and each time I really had fun. For the record, I'm sober when I do karaoke. Drunken karaoke does not sound like fun to me. Anyways, Japanese karaoke is unique. They have entire floors of buildings dedicated to it and it is very popular. is also like DDR because while you are singing they have these (usually) awful, old 70s videos playing in the background often times distracting you while trying to match the mood of the song. About 5% of the time they get it right. I'll try to take a picture of it next time I go. This is one of those things that you have to see in order to believe it.

Going back to karaoke music, the two times I've gone I only sang English songs. Right now I'm trying to learn Japanese songs to sing. I really wanted to find good artists. I'm trying to avoid stereotypical J-pop as much as possible. I really don't like music that sounds like Ayumi Hamasaki, Kumi Koda, and some Namie Amuro. But recently, I met a Gaidaisei (Kansai Gaidai Student) who gave me a list of his favorite artists and so far I like his taste in music. One song I particularly like is called "Flowers" by Tawada Emi (多和田えみ.) The song sounds nice and it makes me happy. I want to learn more Japanese songs similar to it.

Any recommendation for good Japanese karaoke songs please tell me.


StrawTowels said...
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StrawTowels said...

sata andagi!!!!